
What Does It Mean if I See Silver Flakes in the Power Steering Fluid?

If you see silver flakes in the power steering fluid, Twin City Automotive advises that the power steering pump is disintegrating into the power steering fluid. We are the best auto shop in Winston-Salem, and we can replace the factory power steering pump with a new one. Unfortunately, replacing the pump is the only option we have to repair the problem of a disintegrating pump. We are going to list below the other signs that your power steering pump is at the end of its life and needs to be replaced.

Groaning or Squealing

The pump can start to make strange noises as it gets older. For example, you may hear a groaning noise when you turn the steering wheel that gets louder as you keep turning. You may also hear a moaning noise. Finally, the pump may also squeal. If you ignore the noise, it will only get worse. As the pump continues to wear down, it will make even louder noises when you turn the steering wheel.

Stiff Steering Wheel

You may also start to feel as if you are driving an automobile that does not have power steering. The steering pump is the system part that circulates the steering fluid. Once the pump goes bad, you may have no power steering fluid circulating through the system. Consequently, this will make the steering wheel extremely stiff, especially when you make sharp turns such as a U-turn.


This sign of a faulty pump is a scary one. You may turn the steering wheel and your vehicle may not change directions. This unresponsiveness can be caused by a dead steering pump or another problem in the steering system. You don’t need us to tell you that driving your automobile has just become dangerous. Unresponsiveness to steering makes your vehicle uncontrollable.

Leaking Red Fluid

Finally, we talked about seeing silver flakes in the power steering fluid above. The steering pump can also start to leak the fluid on the garage floor. Power steering fluid is red. If you have red spots or puddles underneath your vehicle, it’s possible that the pump is leaking. When the engine is cold, pop the hood and unscrew the cap on the power steering fluid reservoir. If the fluid level is low, the red fluid leaking out of the engine is the power steering fluid.

Call Twin City Automotive in Winston-Salem, NC, today to schedule a service visit for your car, truck, or utility vehicle if you are having power steering problems.

Photo by Pixygirlly from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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