
I Can Barely See When I’m Driving at Night

If you can barely see when you are driving at night because your headlights are so dim, it’s time to replace the alternator. The dim headlights prove that the alternator is not generating enough power. The minimum voltage that an alternator should generate is 13 volts. The maximum voltage is 14.5 volts. An inability to see is just one sign that your alternator is dying. Here are other signs.

Hard Starts/Dead Battery

Aside from providing power to your vehicle’s lights the alternator also helps keep the battery charged. Consequently, if the alternator is going bad, it may be difficult or impossible to get your vehicle started. Even if you jump-start the battery, it will not hold a charge because the alternator is not charging it.

Accessory Malfunction

The alternator also supplies power to your vehicle’s accessories. Strange things can happen if the alternator is malfunctioning. For example, your radio or navigation system could turn off by itself. You may also have problems adjusting your seats or opening and closing the power windows.

Frequent Engine Stalls

You’re going to find out that the alternator powers many different things in your automobile. Another such thing is the spark plugs. If your plugs are fine but your engine keeps stalling, the alternator may not be supplying the plugs with the power that they need to produce sparks in the combustion chamber.

Growling Engine Sounds

The alternator may get cranky and start growling in your engine. This is an indication that it is wearing out. Unfortunately, there are other parts that can also growl, so you will want to bring your vehicle to our shop so we can confirm that the growling noise you hear is coming from the alternator.

Overheating Electricity

Sometimes, when the alternator is dying, it will actually produce too much electricity rather than not enough. When this happens, you will smell your car’s electrical system overheating. You may detect the odor of burning wires or burning rubber in the engine. This could start an electrical fire.

Battery Warning Light

Finally, your dashboard will let you know that the alternator is having problems. The main computer chip will turn on the battery light or the ALT light if your dashboard is equipped with one. This is to let you know that the vehicle is suffering from an electrical system problem. In this case, that problem is the alternator.

We would be happy to help, so call us today to set up a service visit for your automobile.

Photo by -aniaostudio- from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro

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